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この投稿をInstagramで見る Hello guys! As some of you may know, i haven’t been playing competitive tennis for over an year now. I was hoping to play the Fed Cup Finals in Budapest as last event of my carrier, unfortunately the whole situation around covid 19 has changed those plans. After carefully analyzing the various scenarios, i have decided to put an end to my professional tennis career. After almost 15 years of many ups and some downs, i am incredibly grateful for everything this amazing sport has given me. Besides meeting lots of nice and interesting people all over the world, i experienced amazing emotions, starting by winning my first tournament as a small girl all the way to reaching the semifinal of wimbledon in 2017. Even though there obviously were some tough moments with lots of injuries, uncertainties and sacrifices, i wouldn’t wanna miss a single second of his amazing journey. I wanna thank my family for always supporting me, all my coaches for trying to get the best out of me on the court and Kristian Cupak, who made sure i was fit enough to do so and was part of my team for almost my entire career. A special thanks goes to Lotto (clothing sponsor), Yonex (tennis equipment) and all the other sponsors, not to forget the slovak tennis federation who helped me at the beginning of the journey. Last but not least i want to thank all the fans for supporting me in good and not so good times, encouraging me during matches and through the various media channels, they always helped me going the extra step when i thought i couldn’t do it anymore. I’m leaving with a big smile on my face and am very much looking forward to see what the next chapter of my life will hold. Have fun, be well and stay healthy! Slovenská verzia v komente 👇 Magdalena Rybarikova(@magdalena_rybarikova)がシェアした投稿 - 2020年10月月29日午前7時30分PDT
Hello guys! As some of you may know, i haven’t been playing competitive tennis for over an year now. I was hoping to play the Fed Cup Finals in Budapest as last event of my carrier, unfortunately the whole situation around covid 19 has changed those plans. After carefully analyzing the various scenarios, i have decided to put an end to my professional tennis career. After almost 15 years of many ups and some downs, i am incredibly grateful for everything this amazing sport has given me. Besides meeting lots of nice and interesting people all over the world, i experienced amazing emotions, starting by winning my first tournament as a small girl all the way to reaching the semifinal of wimbledon in 2017. Even though there obviously were some tough moments with lots of injuries, uncertainties and sacrifices, i wouldn’t wanna miss a single second of his amazing journey. I wanna thank my family for always supporting me, all my coaches for trying to get the best out of me on the court and Kristian Cupak, who made sure i was fit enough to do so and was part of my team for almost my entire career. A special thanks goes to Lotto (clothing sponsor), Yonex (tennis equipment) and all the other sponsors, not to forget the slovak tennis federation who helped me at the beginning of the journey. Last but not least i want to thank all the fans for supporting me in good and not so good times, encouraging me during matches and through the various media channels, they always helped me going the extra step when i thought i couldn’t do it anymore. I’m leaving with a big smile on my face and am very much looking forward to see what the next chapter of my life will hold. Have fun, be well and stay healthy! Slovenská verzia v komente 👇
Magdalena Rybarikova(@magdalena_rybarikova)がシェアした投稿 - 2020年10月月29日午前7時30分PDT
【告知】坂本怜vsメンシク (22時01分)
川橋勇太ら 日本勢4名が8強入り (21時48分)
大前綾希子ら 8強出揃う (21時00分)
坂本怜 ストレート勝ちで初戦突破 (17時38分)
ドレイパー 8強入り「誇らしい」 (16時09分)
【告知】錦織圭vsククシュキン (13時36分)
錦織圭「結果的には良い試合」 (12時57分)
錦織圭 シーソーゲーム制し初戦突破 (12時35分)
【1ポイント速報】錦織圭vsナルディ (11時44分)
完勝アルカラス、ディミ下し8強 (11時42分)
【1ポイント速報】アルカラスvsディミトロフ (10時09分)
元世界4位 ガウフに逆転勝ちで8強 (9時34分)
錦織圭 初戦の相手ナルディとは (8時26分)
ロディック以来の記録で8強 (7時14分)
岡村恭香ら日本勢6名が初戦突破 (23時28分)
熊坂拓哉ら日本勢6名が初戦突破 (21時11分)
伊藤あおい 日本代表に初選出 (18時37分)
大坂なおみ「自信を持って臨めない」 (17時26分)
大坂なおみ 日本代表外れる (16時27分)
【1ポイント速報】メドベージェフvsポール (13時44分)
内山靖崇 激戦制し本戦入り (11時52分)
坂本怜 ストレート勝ちで本戦入り (10時22分)
20歳の新星が手術「最善の選択」 (9時42分)
女王 わずか57分の圧勝で8強入り (8時18分)
ルーネがチチパス撃破 2年連続8強 (7時42分)
錦織圭 ドロー確認しない理由明かす (6時51分)
綿貫陽介 マスターズ1000初の8強ならず (6時08分)
【1ポイント速報】綿貫陽介vsフリークスポール (5時04分)
齋藤咲良ら 日本勢4名が初戦突破 (21時50分)
岡村一成 単複で初戦突破 (20時11分)
ジョコ撃破の29歳 3回戦敗退 (17時58分)
フェデラー・ナダル超えの記録樹立 (17時00分)
マレー兄 現役2人目の偉業達成 (16時03分)
ディミトロフ、モンフィス下し16強 (15時48分)
錦織圭 会場入りし練習、初戦はいつ? (14時33分)
【1ポイント速報】BNPパリバOP 3回戦 (12時38分)
世界10位 マスターズ50勝達成し16強 (12時08分)
3連覇狙うアルカラス 盤石の16強入り (11時39分)
ダニエル太郎 快勝で本戦王手 (9時09分)
世界3位 ダブルフォルト量産も16強 (8時27分)
23歳が快勝 2年ぶり16強 (7時33分)
17歳 最年少記録樹立し16強 (22時02分)
20歳でフランス勢1番手に (20時54分)
今季不調の中国ジェンが16強 (17時50分)
綿貫陽介 快進撃の影に新コーチ (16時47分)
錦織圭 初戦は第6シードに決定 (15時06分)
綿貫陽介「楽しみながら頑張れた」 (14時39分)
綿貫陽介 マスターズ初の16強へ (14時09分)
【1ポイント速報】綿貫陽介vsティアフォー (12時07分)
世界4位 好調維持し16強 (11時55分)
逆転勝ちで熱戦制す ルーネが16強 (10時47分)
シード勢連続撃破で16強 (10時12分)
マッチ7連勝、強敵撃破で16強へ (9時17分)
マスターズ裏で元世界12位が2週連続V (8時28分)
連覇狙う女王 2試合で失ゲーム4 (7時18分)
【動画】ベンチッチがBNPパリバ・オープン4回戦でガウフに勝利した瞬間! (0時00分)
【画像】シャンが投稿した現在の状態 (0時00分)